Spring Break Success!


It was a fun, productive month as both our sites welcomed Spring Break teams from across the United States! From pediatric check-ups to spelling bees, each team contributed their time and talent to support MPI's long-term commitment to the communities we serve. In Nicaragua,

  • Vanderbilt University students cheered on 200+ 5K participants as they crossed the finish line. This team made the day a huge success, raising $2,380 for the Cedro Clinic.
  • The University of South Florida's team of doctors and medical students provided primary care clinics, home visits, health education and planned for clinic improvements.
  • The University of Georgia led our Camp JAM students in the planting of a lovely new garden. Using recycled materials, they created bright and cheerful planters in Farito.
  • The University of Pennsylvania's School of Nursing conducted a 4-day de-parasiting clinic, where more than 1,000 people received medicine to get rid of harmful parasites.
  • Worcester State University students taught creative arts camp for our Child Sponsorship kids and their siblings in Villa Guadalupe.

For a recap of Ecuador projects, see last month's Manna Mail here. 

Next month we will share updates from Nicaragua's Spring Break activities. Are you interested in starting a Manna campus chapter at your university? You can!