Population: 350

The Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador is home to a wealth of natural resources and ancestral wisdom. Because of its high-altitude mountains, cloud forests, waterfalls, and rivers for rafting and kayaking, the region attracts many tourists. But it is also home to many villages and small towns where indigenous people have lived for centuries. Most of these villages and indigenous communities are highly underserved, often lacking access to clean water, basic medicine and healthcare, quality education, good jobs and economic opportunities, and much more.
As of May, 2023, Manna calls the rural community of Shandia home. The rural village has a population of about 350 people and is located, just outside of the small city of Tena (pop. around 25,000). While a few of the community members have professional jobs, most residents are low-income farmers. 100% of the community is Kichwa, meaning the community is bilingual Kichwa/Spanish, and nearly 80% of community members live below the poverty line.
Click below to learn about MPI’s current programs in Shandia!