
Campus chapters provide a variety of engaging and creative opportunities for college students to connect with the global community through on-campus, local, and international
service initiatives.

Campus Chapters serve growing international communities and encourage university students to engage in rich and rewarding cross-cultural exchange.

Why campus chapters

Campus chapters have been a part of the Manna Project International family since its first days having grown out of a quartet of students at Vanderbilt University. Our campus chapters keep the mission of MPI alive in a very real way - by creating social impact in their home communities and abroad. Although many MPI chapters do choose to work onsite in Ecuador, others choose to use the ethos of MPI to make a difference in their home community.

Although the Covid-19 pandemic greatly impacted MPI’s presence on college campuses, MPI is excited to restart our university partnerships and create new relationships with young people around the world looking to make a difference in their communities and abroad. Reach out today to learn more about starting a chapter on your campus!

Past Chapters

"As a team we were able to see how deep poverty is and how you can't 'change the world' in a couple of days and not even a couple of years. It is the relationships you make with people and the little changes that you are able to make in a community that make the most difference."

- Allie
Chapter Member



"What I love about these chapters is that they're all individualistic, each with their own ideas of what they want to accomplish as branches of a working non-profit organization. They are all involved with their own local initiatives, volunteering in their communities with organizations that run the gamut of community development initiatives."

Chapter Coordinator


Past University Participants

MPI partners with universities, providing internships and development experience to students from a range of disciplines. Students put their education into practice, taking part in holistic community development initiatives, assisting with programs, serving alongside professionals in their field of interest and completing research projects for undergraduate and graduate level credit.

 Contact for more information or to establish a new partnership.