The Cup!!!

What’s up everybody?

The Lacrosse the Nations Cup was this Tuesday and it was a HUGE success. The Cup is a tournament that Lacrosse the Nations (LtN) holds annually as a competition and way to share and connect between our two programs at Chiquilistagua and Club Hope. It is also LtN’s biggest fundraiser of the year. This year we raised over $7,000 for LtN’s programs and the Cedro Galán Clinic. Additionally, some of our most generous contributors offered a matching donation if we reached our goal, so all the funds raised were doubled. Just as important we got every single kid playing in the tournament sponsored with at least $100. The LtN Cup, and the weeks of preparation we’ve put in were a total success, but enough money talk - let’s move on to the fun stuff.

The tournament this year was bigger than ever; we had 60 kids playing on ten teams in group stages, semifinals, and finally a championship between Chiqui and the Club. Also, a group of volunteers from US Box Lacrosse came down the week before the tournament and not only were a huge help in the final preparations and reffing the tournament—none of the coaches were unbiased enough to be trusted to call a fair game—but also brought down gloves for every player which was awesome for the kids and will be huge for our practices moving forward.

All the kids played super hard and everyone represented their schools proudly. But in the end there could be only one winner and Team Leon from Chiquilistagua came away with the trophy. In the end there was joy, there were tears, and more than a few cramps, but when the day was done the kids (and coaches) were falling asleep on the bus ride home. By any measure, the Cup was a huge success. Thank you everyone for your support!



PS The winning team gets to cut my hair on Monday, so wish me luck.