Giving Tuesday

My Giving Tuesday photo is about giving kids a safe space to learn and play.  Through my time at Manna, I've come to see what an important resource our building in Cedro Galan, "El Farito," is for our community.  It's a space where we run everything from our English classes, to our clinic, to our exercise classes, to our camp JAM classes. Most importantly, it is safe and clean, unlike most other parts of the community that are littered with trash, glass and even needles.  

I often think about all the times I grew up going to the local community center for swim classes or day camp at the YMCA. Spaces like these are important and meaningful to a happy childhood.  The kids in Cedro Galan would not have access to a safe space within their community without "El Farito," and I'm constantly grateful to be able to run our programs from there.  As Manna grows, we may be able to offer even more safe space to our community in the future!

Click here to give to read more about #GivingTuesday and contribute to this great work!

By Erica Crosley