Summer Camp

How is it already June?! No one around here can believe how fast time is flying both with our Manna year and with this first group of Summer Interns.

Over the past three weeks, the Summer Interns have been hosting a summer camp for all of our children in Cedro Galan. Four days a week the kids come to Farito for an hour long camp session, where they do anything from playing games to doing crafts. It has been excited to watch our interns get to know the kids so well and to spend such a focused amount of time investing in them. We're thankful for their energy and the opportunity it has given us to encourage creativity and community in our kids through Summer Camp.

Some of their projects have included drawing pictures of things they dream about, creating a collective landscape banner, making predictions/goals about who they want to be in the future, and various Mother's Day crafts. We are looking forward to the things they have planned for their last week. The kids will continue to have camp in El Farito during the week, with a large field day planned at El Salero for Thursday afternoon.