La Venta de Ropa

Every year Manna Project hosts a clothing venta, or sale, for the families of the communities living nearby.  Throughout the year the Manna house fills up with donations from a variety of different sources, whether it be past program directors and volunteers or organizations and groups that bring random bags to donate.  Needless to say there ends up being an immense amount of clothing and so this annual sale gives the communities a chance to purchase these clothes at an extremely low price.  The venta is also pretty infamous and families will line up and wait to make sure they have a chance to come in and look around.  So at 6:30 Friday morning we loaded the car up with at least fifteen to twenty suitcases full of clothes and shoes and headed to El Farito to set up and open at 8.  The process is slightly different each year, but to decide who entered first we had the women draw numbers and enter in intervals of ten.  Each group then had ten minutes to look around and pick out a maximum of fifteen items, and then after that if they wanted they could get back into line and reenter at a later time.  For the most part everything ran smoothly and the women and men were extremely pleased.  Because the new summer volunteer group was here we also had lots of extra hands, which was wonderful, and all in all the event was a grand success!

Clothing venta in Farito.
Carly in watching the little girl's clothing table.
Summer vols Erin and Katherine with the clothes.
Summer volunteers Katherine, Stephanie, Jackie, and Lucie.
Megan and Rebecca manning the checkout table.