So today at the Manna house we woke up a bit early to make it to Chaupitena, the local elementary school in Rumiloma, so that we could paint a mural. The mural we painted had the different food groups that children need to live a healthy life. This was to accompany the knowledge the students had been learning throughout the year in our nutrition class. Cate had it all planned out when we arrived at that school. She had her vision and the interns were there to assist her. Mixing the paint was only the beginning of our struggle, as we had to find the right blend of paint thinner and paint. Once we figured out the right mix we began to paint the sketched out mural only to find out that the red paint was running like water and almost ruined the mural. Luckily, we managed to pull through and continue with our project.   The mural was a success and we were able to finish before the morning was up.  Now there will be a little piece of Manna at Chaupitena, so that when kids walk past they are reminded of what they learned and also the program directors and the volunteers who helped lead the nutrition class this past year!



From Ecuador, With Love

Today is the Wednesday of my final week in Ecuador, I can't believe how quickly two months have flown by. As I reflect on my time here, I can't help but notice all of the ways that it has changed me and all of the things that I have learned. Coming into this trip, I had no idea what to expect, no ideas or presumptions of the culture or how it would differ from my own. Now, after two months of being immersed in the Ecuadorean culture, I feel that I have a much better understanding of the people and the culture in general. The Ecuadorians that I have met here are truly some of the friendliest, most family oriented and community oriented people that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I have had the opportunity to meet people from all different socioeconomic backgrounds, and the one thing I noticed that nearly everyone has in common is how truly happy they seem in their lives, regardless of their socioeconomic status. No matter where you go in Ecuador, you are bound to see and hear the motto, "Ecuador: ama la vida," which translates to "Ecuador: love life". After having experienced this country firsthand, I think it is safe to say that the people here absolutely embrace that motto.

Some of the programs and communities that Manna works with consist of children that come from broken homes or who have a history of child labor or other horrifying hardships. However, upon meeting these children, one would never guess how difficult their lives have been. Their happy-go-lucky attitudes and sweet smiles fool you into thinking that they have had a much easier go of it than they really have.We come from such vastly different backgrounds; I grew up with all the components that are supposed to comprise a rich or ideal American childhood, and I come here and I meet these kids that don't have any of what I had, rarely a stable family life, and they seem so happy and content just to have what they have. There isn't as much pressure to have things and the same emphasis isn't put on material values. It's a much simpler lifestyle and the fact that they are so happy and their society is completely functional without all the pressures that we place on ourselves in the United States is really something to think about,  

As a final reflection, I want to note that Ecuador is such an incredibly beautiful country and I can't believe I have had the opportunity to see such amazing things in my lifetime. From Quilotoa to Baños to Cotopaxi to Quito, this country has never failed to amaze and impress me. As far as Manna as an organization goes, the work that we are doing here is truly meaningful to the communities that we are reaching out to, and its logical and sustainable nature works to comprise an operation that is not only beneficial to the communities, but rewarding for the volunteers as well. Thank you to Manna for such an incredible experience, and thank you to Ecuador for a summer that I will never forget.

- Sofie

Manna 5K

        After losing our voices cheering on Ecuador through the second round of the World Cup the night before, all the program directors and interns headed out of the house early the next morning to organize for the Third Annual 5K. We all piled into the bus, Luna in tow, and made our way to the Cancha outside of the library. With the two tents overhead and a large sign thanking our sponsors, we set up tables of prizes, Manna information, and inscriptions. Shortly after, all the interns jumped into the back of a caminata and started out on the course. Dressed in our bright blue Manna shirts and holding signs painted with“Vamanos!” and “Ya casi llegado!” we each got dropped off at a different corner to keep the runners on track and motivated.
        As soon as DJ Zach started playing and the whistle started the race, the sixty runners took off all around the neighborhood. Each standing on our corner with our signs in hand, we saw the runners sprint past in about an hour. The race ended, the roads reopened, and it was time for the children’s race around the field. The twenty or so children runners set off, running a complete lap around the field as their course. Once their race was done, the prizes began led by Claudia and Fred. With different winners for each category, the prizes ranged from Manna t-shirts, water bottles, athletic socks, and kids toys for the children’s awards. Claudia and Fred thanked the runners for participating and Manna raised a total of $250.00 in inscriptions.
With the runners tired and munching on bananas and medals hanging around their necks, the Third Annual 5K was a great success; can’t wait to hear all about it next year!

By: Charlotte Davidsen 
kids race!

some very encouraging interns

last, but certainly not least!

The Joy of Teaching

Guest post by summer intern Caitrin Rhoads

Hi!  My name is Caitrin, and I am one of the 8-week summer interns here at Manna Ecuador.  Our new 4-week interns just arrived this weekend.  Welcome, Charlotte, Naafeh, and Jose!
                One of the main reasons I chose to spend this summer with Manna was to teach English classes.  The day before I came to Ecuador, I graduated with my MAT (Master’s in the Art of Teaching), so I was excited to get experience in a new kind of classroom setting here in Ecuador.  Teaching English is difficult in many ways, but also very rewarding!
                Twice a week, many of us interns help out with one of the Program Directors’ English classes.  The class I help with is the most basic level of children’s English.  This means that the children have very limited vocabulary, and 95% of the class is in Spanish.  Greg and I teach using lots of games and songs to keep the kids interested and awake- an hour and a half of English is tough after a full day of school!  One game we’ve been playing more recently that the kids love is a variation on Duck, Duck, Goose.  Instead of saying “duck” and “goose,” we have the kids say things that often sound the same when they pronounce them: “hat” and “cat,” “pink” and “pig,” or “back” and “black,” for example.  I try to get the kids speaking in complete sentences as frequently as possible even with their limited vocabulary.  This often entails passing a ball around the circle saying things like “Hello, Juan.  How are you?”  “I’m fine.  Hello, Anahi.  How are you?” “I’m fine.  Hello…”  Well, you get the idea.

                I also teach a basic children’s English class on Saturday afternoons with Adriana, another 8-week intern.  This has been a neat experience because it is all us- no Program Directors involved!  This means we have had to step up to plan and teach the lessons on our own.  Adriana’s Spanish and my training as a teacher make us a pretty good team!  This past Saturday, we taught our class the months in English and had them think of holidays that are in each month.  She and I ended up learning as much as the kids did, since we had never heard of Ecuadorean holidays like Día del Escudo (Day of the Ecuadorean seal/ crest) or Día de la Batalla de Pichincha (Day of the Battle of Pichincha, a nearby mountain).   

                Other interns help with more advanced children’s English classes, or even with near-fluent adult English classes on Saturday mornings.  This past Saturday, I got to sub for PD Tori’s class because she was in Otavalo.  This was a big change of pace from my two classes!  I might have said about 5 words in Spanish the entire time, and we were able to read an advanced article and debate whether or not voting should be mandatory in Ecuador (as of now, it is- nonparticipants pay a fine that increases each time they do not vote). 
                Getting to help Ecuadoreans of all ages (I help at the preschool and a local college, as well!) learn English has given me lots of experience that will make me a better teacher back in the States in the fall.  It has also shown me how complicated the English language can be!  Most of all, though, it has given me the opportunity to form some meaningful relationships as I let my students teach me a thing or two about Spanish, Ecuadorean culture, and the beauty of lifelong learning.​

Ecua Summer Interns Start "Science Tuesdays"

Guest Post by Summer Intern Adriana 

So the interns have officially been in Ecuador for one month, so crazy! The interns recently spent about two hours in a coffee shop in Baños reflecting on our time with Manna. One of the things that we realized we all enjoyed immensely was the party we threw for "Dia Del Niño." The party was a really neat experience to interact with the kids in a way that is very different than an ordinary day at the library. As we reflected on the party, we realized that we wanted to have more opportunities to engage with the kids more. We soon started brainstorming  ideas of things we could do at the library with the kids that could be our little "intern project."

We decided that we were going to have a different theme for every week that was left. We are going to tailor activities, books, and science experiments depending on the theme. For example, this past week we decided that our theme would be Plants. I am in charge of the science experiments (we know have "Science Tuesdays"). The first experiment we did was with a plastic bottle, baking soda, lemon and a balloon. The kids learned that the balloon was inflated because of the CO2 that was produced. We were then able to relate that to how plants use CO2 and produce oxygen. 

Some possible themes for the future are animals, careers, and countries. We are still trying to figure things out and we are seeing what the kids enjoy the most. Eventually we want to have a designated wall where we can show what the kids are learning that week and showcase their artwork. It's been interesting to see how this project developed from some small talk in a café! We will keep you guys updated on our weekly themes and projects with the kids!