Connections and Reflections

A guest post by summer intern Rachel Sellstone

"It's so hard to believe that I am almost halfway through me summer here at Manna. Intern Sam has already left us for home in Texas and Jake is leaving in just a few days! Trying to put myself in their shoes makes me realize how far we have come in our time volunteering here. Part of my feels like I JUST learned what busses to take where, but another past of me feels like I have made incredible bonds despite only having experienced a fraction of what goes on here in the day-to-day life of a Manna PD. These past two weeks have taught me so much about the kind of work I value and the difference we can make here if we really reflect on where we can be most useful. Coming into this summer, I though I would have wanted to spend all of my time with children - assisting in a Children's English class, spending time in the library, essentially any way to hang out with the (adorable) kids that spend time in our programs. Most of my work experience at home is with young children and I have always gravitated towards kids. I have done these things (and loved them) but I was surprised to find that where I have realized the most important relationships in here is in my conversations with the adults that take advantage of all of Manna's resources here.

From assisting in the English classes at a local university, ESPE, and having meaningful cultural
conversations with the students there, to sitting in on PD Virginia’s adult English class in which the
students debated such topics as “When we lose language, we lose culture,” “It is important to learn
English to get a job here” and “Tourists should make an effort to speak my language,” it has been
incredible to learn why so many Ecuadorians really want to learn English and to realize how influential
our work here really can be. It’s even more rewarding when this passion for learning translates from
the adults to their children. I love it when there are entire families that participate in multiple facets of
Manna’s work here. I’ve experienced that first hand with the family of one of the students in PD Carryn’s Children’s English class, which I have been assisting in. Our student Martin is incredibly intelligent and well-mannered, but struggles to keep up with some of the information in class. His mom, Carmen, stays after class with Carryn and I every week to ask about Martin’s progress, and to ask us to help him with the English work he has from school. She is so grateful to us for our help with Martin, and has shown that gratitude by supporting Manna in other settings. The other day, the interns organized our own library party to celebrate Dia del Nino, and she came early with both Martin and his younger brother, helped us with crowd control (the party was a HUGE success, to say the least), and even ran to the store and brought me cups and spoons to serve fruit salad in when she saw that kids were simply eating off napkins. She also takes our adult English class herself. My relationship with Carmen grows every time I see her and I can’t wait to see the progress Martin makes over the next few weeks.

Facing painting at Dia del Nino 
There was no better way for us interns to reflect on the bonds we are making here than to spend last
weekend in the Amazon. The six of us traveled alone to Tena, where we enjoyed a weekend of exploring the jungle, fooling around with monkeys, and best of all, whitewater rafting. The guide company we chose is owned and run entirely by indigenous people, something unique in an expat-dominated tourism market. I was so glad that we were maintaining our commitment to working in partnership with community members even on our weekend off. We were able to learn so much about the Amazon from our guide, Eduardo, who had us trying cacao beans, getting temporary “tattoos” from the plants of the jungle, and looking for vulture eggs. I feel so fortunate to be forging this incredible bond with Ecuador, both during my work at Manna and in my time exploring all this country has to offer."
The summer interns with their two rafting guides 

Summer interns loving the Amazon white water

The Interns trek Quilotoa!

A guest post from Adriana one of our 8 week summer interns:

This weekend the summer interns + Carryn and Torie traveled to Quilotoa. This was our first travel weekend and it was quite an adventure. Im not sure about the other interns but I had never traveled on busses with backpacks like that, but thanks to our great leaders, we made it to Quilotoa without a hitch. 

The whole group including trip leaders Carryn and Torie

After a 4 hour trip on 3 different busses we checked in to our "hostal." The rooms were great and thankfully had a small oven to keep our rooms warm. I definitely underestimated how cold it would actually be, but at an altitude of 12,841 feet I guess the cold makes sense. After having some lunch we prepared for our hike down the crater. I had seen the crater in pictures but once we finally made our way to the edge of the crater, I was blown away--it was stunning! The hike down the crater took us about 45 min, but the real beast was going back up. There were donkeys available to take us back up; however, we were determined (some more than others) to hike back up. After about an 1 hour and a half and many water breaks we made it to the top, exhausted and out of breathe. 

Laguna Quilotoa in all its glory 

PD Torie and intern Sophie enjoying the view
The next day we woke up at 5:30 am to watch the sunrise. We were a little disappointed that it was too cloudy to see the sunrise, but it was still beautiful! The rest of the morning we took a guided hike to see an Incan cave. The hike lasted about 3 hours and was much tougher than we were told, nevertheless we all felt very accomplished after we finished. 

The group on their Sunday hike to nearby caves 
Four of the six interns were also sick at one point during the trip but all in all it was a great weekend at Quilotoa! 

A Message from Jake Divine

Here's a post from Jake Divine, one of our 4-week summer interns here in Ecuador:

I’m one of the summer interns at the Ecuador site and I’ve just finished my first week here in Sangolqui and both Ecuador and Manna have superseded my expectations. This is my first visit to South America and the area has been beautiful, the people have been friendly, and programs have been fulfilling. As I am getting into the swing of things with the programs I will be helping with I am looking forward to spending the next three weeks here and getting to know the people we work with.

One of the programs I have assisted with is horse therapy for children with special needs through an Ecuadorian organization called Antorcha de Vida. This organization provides care, classes, and other resources to children with disabilities. Once a week the children do horse therapy, where they ride horses at a local military base. We helped the kids on the horses and then led the horses around the field as the kids enjoyed the ride and did stretching exercises at the instruction of a soldier who is trained in horse therapy. The kids also laid on their backs and stomachs on top of the horse. The theory behind the therapy is that the motion and energy of riding a horse is beneficial for the kids physically, mentally, and emotionally. I do not know anything about the research behind it but the kids certainly enjoyed it a lot.

From the outside, a slow walk around a field on a horse once a week might not seem like that big of a deal, but for these kids it means a lot more. These kids never get time to do independent activities so going to a place besides home or the center and do something active is something they really look forward to. Some of them had to overcome and work through either fear or physical disabilities to complete the ride but every single one of them did it. This is one way that they get to challenge themselves and figure out their capabilities. Not to mention it is a whole lot of fun. In the final section of the ride we got the horses to run with the kids on them. The kid’s faces lit up into wide smiles and they screamed with delight. After three hours of leading a horse around a field my shoes were soaking wet, I was sun burnt and tired, but it was all worth it when all the kids gave me big hugs afterwards. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing them next week and do it all over again.

Country Director Fred with the Antorcha kids 

Jake leading the horse 

Heather and Adriana hanging out with the kids 

Fred leading the horse

Summer Interns Have Arrived!

We are SO excited to welcome, Sophie, Jake, Caitrin, Sam, Adriana, and Rachel, our first session of summer interns to Ecuador!

The group of six arrived on Saturday night and immediately settled in very nicely. Their first weekend was spent getting acquainted with their surroundings. On Sunday PDs Claudia and Torie took the group into Quito to visit Centro Historico, the oldest area of the city. The group climbed the massive Basilica church, toured through the main plaza, and had their first almuerzo.  On Monday we spent the morning walking around our small town of Sangolqui, visiting the market, plaza, and main grocery store.  As more long term volunteers, the summer interns will be helping out with all of the Manna activities both at the library and here at our Manna house.

The wonderful new interns hanging with the Quito sign and famous Panecillo angel in the background 

Yesterday the interns spent their first afternoon in our community center/library. They attended Children's English classes, spent time in the Teen Center, and help sort a large donation of books that the library just received! Over the next few weeks they will be taking on larger leadership roles in all of of our programs, and possibly even starting new programs, such as music lessons in the teen center or teaching a short English course to kids on summer break. It is really fun to have new faces and energy at the Ecua Manna site and we are super excited to see where the summer takes us!

Every week a different intern will be writing about their personal experiences with Manna, keep posted to learn more!

4th Quarter English Classes!

Last week we started our 4th and last quarter, for us current PDs, of both Adult and Children's English classes! It has been truly amazing to watch our English program grow so immensely over the past few years, and especially this year with the addition of 2 new classes, one in Adult English and one in Children's.

Here is a photo from PD Taylor Gaskill's first day of class. The kids are excited to be back in the Manna classroom and learning some English!