The First Week of English Class

Yesterday marked our first day of English classes! We began children's classes at 4:00 pm yesterday evening and tonight will be the first class for all five levels of adult English. I think all the program directors can agree that planning time and content accordingly for our first classes was nerve-racking, but the first day was a definite success!

This year's inscription day for English classes was packed, with a line of more than twenty people waiting before the library doors opened. Our English classes are definitely the most successful program we have in Ecuador. It's incredible how many people the seven of us have the chance to impact with our classes. Our classes offer an incredible opportunity; to be taught by native English speakers at a very low cost. The opportunity is so enticing that we not only serve local community members of Rumiloma but people from all over the region. I didn't expect to enjoy teaching English, but knowing how much the classes mean to the students who are willing to come from near and far makes every class a rewarding experience.