2nd Annual Valley Benefit!

We recently had our second annual Valley Benefit!  We had a great time with good friends as we were joined by a wide range of people from the community.  Everyone from our English students to community members to the president of Rumiloma was there.  We enjoyed a delicious Ecuadorian almuerzo and then continued the fun with dancing and games. 

 The most exciting game that we played at the event was “Guess the Profe!”  First, our guests were separated into teams, we then read an interesting fact about a profe.  The teams were challenged to guess which profe the fact belonged to.  The facts were funny, interesting and at times almost unbelievable.  They really tested how well our community members know us!  Our facts ranged from “which profe has read 24 books since they’ve been in Ecuador” to “which profe got sick & threw up on her first date!”  The game was a lot of fun and we loved laughing and learning about each other alongside the community members.  

We had several local businesses get involved with the benefit by donating a wide range of items as prizes for our games.  We had everything from ice cream to a baked chicken to a free term of english classes with Manna.  Getting to collaborate with businesses within the community was a fun experience.  We were encouraged to see how enthusiastic the businesses were about getting involved with MPI.

Thanks to all of the businesses and community members who contributed to making the benefit a success!  We really enjoyed collaborating with you all and we are pleased to say that together, we raised over $100!  We are encouraged and excited to see what happens next year!

Written by PD Torie Barnard