¡Fiesta de Rumiloma!

 Joey and Jefferson testing their strength.
 Ecuador's Spiderman.
 Bird's-eye view of the party.
 Firetruck rides.
 Diana and her daughter Martina getting groovy.
 Jefferson networking with Nancy from one of our partner organizations.

Mis Amigos,

This past Saturday the Manna team hosted the annual community celebration known as Fiesta de Rumiloma, or FDR.  We were under the impression FDR was a day of celebration for the great President Franklin Delano Roosevelt; turns out we were misled. 

Rising early from our cozy beds to clear views of Cotopaxi and Iliniza Sur, both majestic mountains to the south, the crew began setting up tables for our partner organizations, a face painting station for the Red Cross, as well as numerous other activities to keep the community members entertained throughout the morning.  The Cooking and Nutrition Program had a bake sale while the Preventative Health Center distributed health information.  We had inscriptions for classes open to the public, signing more future students up for our English courses.  Local bomberos, firefighters, showed up later in the day for an equipment demonstration and a fire safety discussion followed by free firetruck rides through the community.
The Women's Exercise team demonstrated the wide variety of exercises they offer with short workouts from all different classes.  We had tug of war, a jump roping contest, corn hole, and soccer games all going on simultaneously.  We had a raffle, offering everything from free English classes for adults and children to free language exchange lunches with some of the Program Directors.
But most importantly we had a great time putting on this event for the community in which we work and live.

All in all, the day was a huge success.  Severely sun burnt and exhausted, all group members returned home after another successful day down here in Ecuador.

Thanks for stopping in and we will keep you posted on more Manna happenings to come.
