Program Needs blog

In the spirit of the dawning holiday season…

Hello again blog readers.   I wanted to start off by saying Happy Holidays, and more specifically Happy Thanksgiving!  Yes, this means while you are enjoying turkey and pumpkin pie we are down here enjoying another exciting day of work! (no sarcasm intended, honestly) 

As you may know, Manna Project International relies solely on donations and grants for funding.   In order to continue our community development work in Latin America we depend on the donations of organizations, foundations, and individuals.  We have been extremely fortunate to receive the generosity and support we have.  

This being said, in the spirit of giving that comes upon us this time of year, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our new blog page containing all of our current program needs.  With the help of my compañeros here in Ecuador I have constructed this page in order to keep our supporters up to date with items needed for our programs.  Please check it out at  You can also now find this link to the right on this blog page in case you need to reference it in the future.  If you have any questions please contact me, Luke, by email

Wishing you all a wonderful and safe Holiday season: Chow!