MPI Ecuador Slideshow

Hello blog readers! Recently we were approached by Andrew Preston, the US Director of Manna Project, about making an informational video for those who want to know more about our international sites. Noel and I promptly set out to make the video but were interrupted by an outbreak of political unrest and no internet in our new house. About two weeks later we realized we needed to get that video together so we requested help from the rest of the PDs down here in collecting photos of Ecuador, its people and our Centro in Rumiloma. Everybody was more than helpful; without them this slide show would not have come together as beautifully as it did.

The video addresses the unique vitality of Ecuador, its various cultures and the problems that have arisen from stratification of social classes. It also shows what we as Manna Project International are hoping to accomplish in our Centro.

We really hope you enjoy this!

MPI Ecuador Slideshow

Besos Chao Chao