It's That Time Again... — Manna Project International

It's That Time Again...

... time for PD Interviews! Wooohooooooo!

For those of you who have not been religiously following the blog since this time last year, let me explain. Last year's PDs had the great idea of interviewing each PD individually and posting the interviews on the blog. It gave a better look into Manna life in Ecuador, as well as allowed people to get to know the PDs "face-to-face"... because well, there's only so much one can convey through a blog post. Now that we've been here long enough to (kind of?) know what we're talking about, and to expound on what we've learned and all of that fun self-reflective stuff, we're ready to get on with the interviews.

So how is this going to work? I'm hoping to conduct, edit, and post an interview once every 3 weeks (give or take). About 5 days before the actual interview, I'll write a post on the blog requesting questions for whomever is being interviewed that week. Then, I'll use your questions during the interview, edit the thing down to about 5-8 minutes, and post it. Rinse and repeat. Nine times.

Who's up first? None other than the mysterious MIKE GABRYS! Work-wise, Mike is known around these parts for his involvement in the library, Teen Center, and for teaching the newest Adult English class in Ruminahui with Chet. Non-work-wise, Mike is known for being the last candidate training for the full Quito marathon in June (the other candidate is wussing out and opting for the half marathon...), baking explosive (literally) brownies with Sonia at least once every two weeks, and being the extreme organizer of the laundry room.

Mike poses for his official Manna website photo...

I will be interviewing Mike THIS FRIDAY (2/26) at NOON... so please, send questions to or post them in the comments section of this post BEFORE noon on Friday!

Thanks in advance!