Our Saturday Adventure

Yesterday, 5 of the MPIE girls decided to spend Saturday reliving their days in Quito as tourists by climbing to the top of the infamous Basilica in Centro Historico. After an overcrowded ride in the Ecovia, a missed stop (my bad...), and lots of spiral staircases and ladders, we made it to the top. And the view definitely didn't disappoint. Here's a small glimpse into our tacky tourist lives as seen by the MannaCam (who still remains nameless).

MPIE girls select the "boy band pose" in front of the stained glass window. Solid choice, team.

Jackie, Sonia, Krysta and Haley check out the view after the first set of stairs

Sonia takes a breather after the last ladder on the floor that resembles chicken wire.
(It's more sturdy than that, I promise)

Me looking out over the ledge from the top of one of the spires

Climbing the next set of ladders to the belfry

The view from the bottom of the ladder - gargoyles and the beautiful sky

Haley checks out the graffiti at the top of the belfry
PS. Happy Anniversary Haley and Dave! :)

The group at the end - sufficiently tired and ready to trek back to the valley

Now off to get some work done before the weekly 3M (Monday Morning Meeting)... Programs start tomorrow! Exciting days ahead!

Thanks for checking in,