Professional Development with Manna Project International

working with Manna Project
is preparing me for a successful career

While our 5-, 7-, and 13-month volunteers at MPI are called Program Directors, they have the opportunity while working in Ecuador or Nicaragua to experience much more than just directing programs! During their time with Manna Project, Program Directors get involved with an array of organizational roles and responsibilities that prepare them well for future jobs in a variety of professional fields. Gaining practical experience through the the ins and outs of nonprofit management will make a difference for the rest of my career.


A Life-Changing Experience

As a Program Director with Manna Project, I've been able to work on communications for our Ecuador site, developing content for social media, blogging, and more. Communicating to our network of followers around the world doesn't just to keep Manna Project fresh in their minds; it's truly about connecting this community with the amazing work happening every day in Ecuador and Nicaragua, and inspiring them just as we are inspired. One of my favorite social media posts throughout the year has been our ongoing Star of the Week feature. It's been a great experience getting to share the story of our community members, and all the challenges and success that we've had in Ecuador this year.

learning valuable skills

I've also been able to work with our U.S.-based staff on researching and applying for grants, and working on other Manna Project fundraising efforts. For anyone interested in working in nonprofits in the future, this is an incredible opportunity to gain experience in one of the most important, high-demand fields of nonprofit management. Since I began with Manna Project, I have had the chance to research hundreds of grant opportunities online, make recommendations for fundraising priorities for our Ecuador site based on needs I've seen over the course of my time here, and more. It has been incredible to see grants that I have researched move from potential applications to real funding for our work in both Ecuador and Nicaragua.

Why MPI?

The flexibility that Manna Project provides its Program Directors to get involved in all aspects of nonprofit management is an important aspect of what drove me to work as a Program Director in Ecuador in the first place. Unlike a lot of other entry-level positions with nonprofits, the Program Director position with Manna Project has allowed me to gain practical experience in so many aspects of nonprofit work. When I return to the States after completing my contract with Manna Project, I will be well-prepared to make a difference for the rest of my career.


Apply for a position

Positions are filling quickly for the upcoming program year.

where are they now?

Learn how past participants have furthered their careers by serving as Program Directors: