A Weekend with the United Nations Peacekeepers

One of our partner organizations at Manna Project Ecuador is the United Nations Peacekeepers. Not only do we visit their military base on a weekly basis and teach English, but they also participate in our courses offered at the Centro!

This past weekend, Program Directors Everett, Monique, and Kristin were fortunate enough to accompany the Peacekeepers to the Ecuadorian Air Force base in Manta, on the coast, for a weekend of training exercises as part of the UN Peacekeeper training course.

The Peacekeepers have asked us not to publicize the details of their training, but we can say that it was quite an experience! Outside of training exercises, they were kind enough to show us around Manta, the beaches, and neighboring town of Montecristi (where the famous Panama Hats are made)! We happened to be visiting on a festival weekend, and stumbled upon a huge pilgrimage procession and an outdoor fair!

We are grateful for the Peacekeepers and their hospitality this weekend. Enjoy these photos!