Meet Tracy Lucas, MPI Ecuador’s newest Program Director!

Name: Tracy Lucas

Hometown: Basking Ridge, NJ

College: The College of New Jersey

Major: Business Management, Philosophy

Why did you choose Ecuador?

After graduating, I knew I wanted to go somewhere new where I could experience a different lifestyle and contribute to that community. I discovered Manna Project International through a Google search for international volunteering opportunities and immediately felt like MPI was right for me. Upon researching Ecuador and reading about its diverse geography and fascinating culture, I felt confident that Ecuador would be everything I was looking for in a new home.

What do you hope to accomplish here as a Program Director in these next seven months?

I mostly just want to contribute to the best of my ability and better the lives of the people I interact with in whatever way I can.

Do you have any cool travel plans for your time here?

I plan to travel around Ecuador whenever I get the chance on weekends; I really want to absorb as much of the country and culture that I can. I imagine these seven months will fly by and I plan to make the most of my time here.

What are you most excited about?

I am really excited about being a Program Director for the Small Business Development program- a program that is currently being restructured. The program's restructuring allows for me to play a big role in designing how the program will run and shaping its future.

Have you ever traveled before?

I studied abroad in Belgium a few years ago and it really solidified my love for traveling. During my time abroad, I of course explored much of Belgium but also ventured to other countries such as Morocco, Portugal, and Holland.

What are some of your hobbies?

I enjoy trying new things, traveling, and watching television. I am passionate about continual self improvement, philosophical discussion with a focus in morality, and bettering the world around me.

What is one thing you hope to take out from this experience?

Overall in life, I aim to gain a better understanding of the world; to achieve this, I must understand the world's components as a means to better understand the whole. Ecuador is one component, and I hope living here will serve as one step towards a clearer view of the world and the people that live in it.