Morgan's First Month

Hi Everyone!

My name is Morgan, and I've recently joined MPI as a 3-month PD in Nicaragua. Things have been fast-paced here since the first week I arrived, when I attended nearly every program we run to get a feel for which ones I was interested in working with. Doing this allowed me to start engaging with members of the community and to gain a better understanding of the responsibilities of being a PD.

Despite having only been here for a month, I already feel like I've been accepted into the community here.  I was so excited the first time kids from Cedro Galan remembered my name while I helped run Comedor, our feeding program. I've also gotten to know my students in our Level 3 and Level 4 English classes that I co-teach. These classes have been one of my favorite parts of the PD experience thus far, and I look forward to planning exciting lessons for each week. Last week I was able to experience life in the community by doing a home-stay, and also by traveling to San Juan del Sur with members of one of the churches in the community.

Now that I'm feeling more settled in, I'm looking forward to what I have ahead of me in the next two months. In this time, I want to focus on improving my Spanish (of which I knew basically none when I first arrived) by having one-on-one language exchanges with people in the community, and by doing more home-stays and traveling. I also can't wait to see the progress we make with the health clinic, and the changes in our programs now that summer volunteers have arrived. Make sure you check back soon for updates from our summer vols about their awesome camps and activities in the community!!

Partner Update: USF and the Cedro Clinic

University of South Florida Health students and faculty have spent the past few weeks working with MPI-Nicaragua on a brand new health initiative in the Cedro Galán community.
It all started nearly a year ago when a MPI summer intern/USF student and former MPI Program Director completed a needs assessment in the community which identified lack of healthcare as the most pressing problem. The needs assessment would eventually lead to a USF Health and MPI partnership to bring healthcare access to this community.

As a first step, USF Health and MPI combined their resources to find out what it would take to create a holistic and sustainable health project in the community. In a series of key informants interviews, MPI and USF Health asked for more information on the lack of access to care and for advice on creating a community-driven health initiative. What we got was not only invaluable information, but also a community prepared to take ownership of the project.

After coming to a more complete understanding of the health-related need in Cedro Galán and witnessing the community's passion for health improvement, MPI and USF Health resolved to help bring a primary care clinic to the community. On Monday, April 22nd, Dr. Robert Nelson of USF Health announced the plans for the clinic at a community-wide dinner in El Farito. Since then, we have all been working together to put the plan in motion. 

Over the past two weeks, USF Health and MPI together facilitated the formation of a Community Advisory Board, made up of and elected by Cedro Galán community members. The Community Advisory Board will inform all decisions made by USF Health and MPI regarding the healthcare initiative, including the next step of hiring a physician. Currently, as their first activity, the Board is working with the Nicaraguan Foundation for Diabetes’ President to organize community health worker trainings in Cedro Galán.

Stay tuned as MPI and USF Health continue working hand-in-hand with the Cedro Galán community to bring a primary care clinic and health education to the area…

Despedida and a little thing called retreat

First of all, we apologize for the lack of updates from our beautiful country. It has been a time of transition here in Nicaragua and now that we've found our way back to Blogger we'd love to let you know what has been happening!


We concluded our Spring Break season here on March 24 when our Worcester State team returned to the US. We were thankful for all our SB team's enthusiasm and energy as they served here in Nicaragua with us. Just after Spring Break finished up, we were all on vacation for Semana Santa with travels that took us to Connecticut, Tennessee, Virginia, Illinois, Texas, Maryland, east coast Nica, and some that stayed right here in our community. Everyone found their way back to the Manna house at the beginning of April to enter our last several months here in Nica as PDs. 

A little over a week ago our Manna team packed up and headed south to Playa Gigante near San Juan Del Sur for our third retreat. We were excited to have this time away as a family as we celebrated the arrival of our new 3-month PD, Morgan Loughery, and enjoyed our last weekend with Jen (our fearless media coordinator, hence the lack of updates). Besides enjoying some family bonding (our favorite!), we were excited to have some time away to continue our work in developing Manna's programs here in Nicaragua. We had groups laying out our goals in education, health, and livelihoods, and were excited to see how our programs link to Manna's larger goals as an organization in Latin America.

We are sad to say that our house has lost one of its voices. Jen Metzger has said farewell to Nica as she embarks on new adventures like grad school and marriage! We are so appreciative of the dedication and love that Jen poured into her programs here in Nicaragua over the past 10 months! She contributed selflessly to our English programs, feeding program, Sexual and Reproductive Health class, girls' sport programs, and our organization as the house media coordinator. She will be missed by her students, her friends here in Nica, and this Manna family. We wish her the best of luck as she continues her journey!

Check back soon for updates from our new PD Morgan, as well as our USF Med Student team that has been working hard in Nica over the past several weeks!

University of Georgia

Manna Project International is a non-profit organization founded on the principle of "communities serving communities." This three-word slogan itself is a picture of what MPI stands for, two communities joined by service. Day to day, it means a host of situations: college groups traveling and volunteering together, our MPI site teams working with locals, or our organization partnering with existing programs and missions. Service connecting those communities might be meeting health and educational needs, developing durable friendships, raising awareness and challenging the status quo, or developing leadership within those communities.  

MPI-UGA has great opportunities for people interested in helping the global community. We will be acting as a resource to underprivileged international communities by taking trip a Spring Break trip to MPI's international site in Nicaragua.  We invite friends & family to follow along in this incredible one week experience. 


Once upon a time, it was Tuesday.
Initially we were going to record our trip day by day, but we figured that a brief summary about the total experience would be a better representation. The overall feeling of the whirlwind week was that of gratitude and general amazement. La Chureca expanded our mentalities and opened our eyes. We were able to be present for the inauguration of brand-new homes for two extremely special families- one with a child with Down’s syndrome, and the other with a seventeen-year-old mother. Their immense gratitude brought tears to our eyes, not of sympathy or pity really, but of comparable gratitude. We’d never felt quite so in another’s shoes as when Cecilia prayed with us for the continued blessings in her life.
Another miraculous experience was called “milk day.” This once a month event happened to fall on the week that we were here. People sponsor children by providing them vitamins and milk for a month.  We helped give consultations and a general weight and measurement of the children.  This was a favorite for us because playing with children brought the biggest smiles to their faces.  At the clinic where milk day is held the Jewelry Co-Op is housed. Women in La Chureca use recycled material to make beautiful jewelry. Everyone in our group was so impressed, and we all bought multiple items to support the women’s work.  

El Farito, the little open-air school that Jessie wrote about at the beginning of the week, translates to “the little lighthouse,” and it truly lives up to its name. It stands as a beacon of hope, a future full of more creativity and productivity, a future with more educational opportunities and less falling into tragic stereotypes. El Farito remains a place where Agdiel can be not only free from discrimination, but celebrated for his unique nature. We will all miss seeing the beautiful, innocent faces of all the children. These children, who ran up to us and embraced us without even knowing our names and continued to fall into a mutual adoration with us throughout the week, are what made this trip what it was. Wherever we go henceforth, we will carry these kids in our hearts. We will pray that they grow up to be as incredible as they seem right now, to live up to their potentials.
There are too many memories to pack into just a few paragraphs, but here we are trying. These words can’t even begin to stand up to the actuality of this week full of rooftop mornings, gallo pinto for every meal, dust-covered existence, tiny children hanging on us as though we were eucalyptus trees, picking mangoes up off the ground, swimming in the midst of ten thousand stars, cramming a clown-car amount of people into a three-wheeled taxi, making the Harlem Shake our own with a Nicaraguan flair, feeding the world’s most adorable children at Comedor, dancing like fools in Matagalpa, and just enjoying life to the fullest, as cliché as that may sound. These moments are irreplaceable; these moments are unable to be captured. Not even with a swanky Nikon DSLR.    


Jessie here from MPI UGA chilling out with 4 fellow bulldogs and 9 awesome program directors after our first big day in Nicaragua. Before leaving the States, daylight savings time decided to thoroughly ruin our sleeping schedules. We sprung forward an hour at home just to be plunged back an hour in Nica making us feel like we're living 2 hours in el futuro. All 5 of us were up by 630 ready to go, but our Nica PDs are a little more use to the time, the loud birds, and blinding sunrise. 

After a quick orientation we were off in the microbus to meet the community. Cedro Galan is only a kilo and a half away. We split up in two groups for a walking tour of the area. What seemed at first like a simple dirt road unfolded into an entire town with many people, houses of various shapes and sizes, and compound-like neighborhoods. Here we actually got to eat in a Nicaraguan home! The food was amazing and the company extremely  pleasant. At our lunch we enjoyed Gallo Pinto (rice and beans; name so because of the purple color the beans make on the rice). There was also a cilantro-y salad (YUM), stewed meat of some kind, and sweet custard for dessert. During lunch we heard all about the community dynamics and about how this host family is spread throughout the neighborhood, all while the kids were watching the Junglebook in Spanish inside (I was definitely tempted to sing along). We spent our time freely and meandered back to the community center for our next program: math and literature class.

At our next location, Salero, we helped out with a very large Beginner's English class. Even with 30 plus kids in the room, it is easy to speak simple spanglish with any of them just one on one. Tess, Christina, and I had a highly hilarious interaction during English class with two characters Dylan Jose and Brian. These boys were definitely the class clowns, singing their answers, copying our English, and making silly animal noises. Jacqueline helped with a very diligent group of eager students. After English class, Anise bravely lead the class in our first creative arts activity of the week: Origami! Even the rowdier bunch of children settled down to focus on folding their paper into a pretty lotus flower. That just goes to show how much they enjoy the arts. We have been told that all of the kids have been looking forward to this arts week for months because it is not in their usual curriculum. We expect to have a lot of fun with our eager participants!

After a long, hot, dusty day we were all glad to come back to the house for a quick swim and cold shower. We are very excited to do more of the activities from today and to experience so much more. Hopefully tonight our bodies will let us sleep in...


After a great week with Vanderbilt, UGA is here to do a week focused on arts and crafts! We're very excited about this because the arts are not present in most kids lives in our community. They ask about art classes ALL of the time! Keep up with UGA this week on their page labeled "University of Georgia."