Milk Day

Milk Day was one of the most anticipated tasks to complete as a group of new PDs. This is the day that our families involved in our Child Sponsorship program receive a combination of milk, cereal, vitamins, and beans to last them the month. We measure and weigh each child and talk to their mothers to see how everything is going. We never got to see the old group of PDs actually do a Milk Day, but with the help of the MPI staff here Milk Day was a huge success! If you are interested in sponsoring a child in our program, please click here!

Introducing the 2012-2013 PDs!

The last of the old PDs left this morning and us new PDs are officially in the swing of things! We learned a lot from the old PDs in the short time we were together; their stories and achievements were encouraging and inspirational. I hope that we can continue to improve and strengthen MPI's programs just as they did. Last week we had the annual despedida/bienvenida party at El Farito to say celebrate both teams and the community. It was the perfect way to say heartfelt goodbyes and meet new friends. Especially since a piñata and a cake were involved.

Click here to meet the new team!