Last week we had 5 days off work to celebrate both Nicaragua and all of Central America's Independence Days. So, we all decided to go on a family vacation to the Corn Islands!
The Corn islands can be found off the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua and are a 1 and 1/2 hours flight away from Managua.
Great Corn and Little Corn are the two islands that make up this bonita island pair.
Great Corn has even been short listed as the most authentic Caribbean island around. But, Little Corn has no cars and many of the residents their never have to wear shoes (not even sandals).
The locals from Corn Islands speak a surreal mix of english, spanish and creole slang, sometimes all at the same time. I often found myself entranced hearing the locals speak, constantly asking myself, "i'm still in Nicaragua, right?"
We enjoyed snorkelling in crystal clear water, eating a plethora of seafood, exploring white sand beaches, relaxing, and of course eating lots of Eskimo ice-cream.
Our little trip has proven to be a great recharger and we're more enthusiastic than ever to be back working in Managua!

yield, crabs crossing!

Will, Ira, and Zac about to go spear fishing

sharks are one of many of the diverse species of marine creatures
that can be found around the Corn Islands

busy dock on Great Corn

the view from the lodge we stayed at on Little Corn


Last week on the way home from La Chureca we stopped off at the Red Cross
where some of us were able to donate our blood. Among the donators was Karen Bustos, a community member that we work with in Chiquilistagua.
If you donate blood in the name of a person here, it bumps them up to the top of the waiting list and guarantees that they will receive the blood they need.
We donated for Sara Zeledon, a little girl who lives in La Chureca who suffers from anemia and leukemia. Sara is also a part of our Child Sponsorship program.

Today Sara's mother was excited to report that her daughter's platelet count is improving!

Red Cross Nicaragua

arriving at the blood bank

Sara Zeledon, age 7

This past weekend our Country Director, Amira Tahir, ran her first half marathon ever!
Amira raised just over $1500 for Manna Project International and has definitely inspired some of us PD's to start training for a half marathon ourselves. Not only did Amira meet her own personal goal of never walking during the whole 21km (13.1 miles), but she also completed in under 3 hours!


meet the new Program Directors
our lovely Country Director!

Amira Tahir: Country Director
likes: babies, lip gloss, jogging, spanglish, and hazelnut chocolate
dislikes: rude drivers, drying dishes (washing is ok though), and nancites

Steph Barnett: Program Director
likes: sunrises, chikys,
little kids (especially when they speak spanish),
big-colorful-plastic-sunglasses, hiking, and safari animals
dislikes: cold weather and huge spiders (the small ones are al'right though)

Luke Harris: Program Director
likes: Jesus, basketball, teaching, Nicaraguan pizza, ground beef, salami, and hats
dislikes: snakes

Katie Hathaway: Program Director
likes: books, rain (when she is indoors), chocolate,
Catchphrase, Chacos, and the Texas Longhorns
dislikes: too much danish filling in a danish and
when people put wet dishes on dry dishes

Will "Guillermo" Howard: Program Director
likes: The Beatles, baseball, making various funny faces,
New Orleans Saints, FIFA, and Halo 3, salami
dislikes: spiders, dislikes, squirrels (there's nothing cute about rabies)

Zac Gordon from Boston: Program Director
likes: the Red Sox
skiiing, dogs, Nicaragua, Cháman, salami, tulips, and
the philosophy of Ayn Rand
dislikes: copy machines, talking during movies,
blue-cheese, and people who answer the phone while at the dinner table

Megan Aberley: Program Director
likes: surfing, making art, and bicycles
dislikes: stepping in dog doo and food budgets