5 Essentials to Make Sure You “Pack” for Your Time as a Program Director

By: Tori Baldassini

First a little bit about me: My name is Tori and I am currently a five month Program Director at Manna’s Ecuador site. When I was thinking about joining Manna Project last March, I was very nervous about what my five months in Ecuador would have in store for me. I hope that you will find my list helpful if you are interested in becoming a Program Director. To learn more about the role of Program Director, please visit this site: http://www.mannaproject.org/program-director/.

1. An Open Mind

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Working in a foreign country and Immersing yourself in another culture is very different from working in the United States. If you come in with the same expectations, you may find yourself disappointed. For example, in Ecuadorian culture, punctuality is not as emphasized as it is in an American workplace. As a part of my job, I teach English classes and oftentimes my students will stroll up to my class half-an-hour late. Sometimes, the American in me gets frustrated with this and I interpret their tardiness as a sign that they don’t respect me and the work I put in to prepare for class. But then I take a step back and remember that their culture and upbringing is not the same as mine and that it is unfair to judge them based on my cultural values. Instead, I have learned to adjust my lesson plans to anticipate that some of my students may arrive late. I now start every class with review material so my late-comers won’t miss any new material. Working with an open mind ensures that my students do the best they can in my class!

2. An Open Stomach

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Food is something that is very important to me and I view the opportunity to work abroad as an opportunity to try new and exciting foods! Sometimes other cultures eat things that may seem unappetizing to the American eater. For example, a very popular Ecuadorian dish is called cuy, or in English, guinea pig. I tried cuy and it wasn’t my favorite. It is a very gamey meat so I probably wouldn’t order it again. However, I was glad that I was brave enough to try an authentic dish that so many Ecuadorians adore. A more successful example would be when I tried pescado encocado, a very popular dish on the coast of Ecuador. It consists of a fillet of fish with a sauce made from coconut milk. I had never tried anything like that in the US so I wasn’t sure if I would like it, but from the first taste I knew it was the right choice! It was absolutely delicious- everyone at my table had food envy! For this exact reason, I always think it’s helpful to come to another country with an open stomach- you never know what foods you might discover!

3. Something from Home

Homesickness is almost inevitable when living abroad and I think it is important to be prepared for when it hits. One way to battle homesickness is to maintain hobbies or activities that are part of your regular schedule in the United States. When my head is spinning from too much Spanish and I am craving some good old Vermont cheddar (the cheese in Ecuador is a huge disappointment to me and a common source of homesickness), I like to have some alone time in my room and watch American shows on Netflix. For the hour I am watching Desperate Housewives (they have it on Netflix here!), I am able to forget about the stresses of being away from my home and culture. That type of mental break is essential to combating homesickness when it strikes. Netflix is my “something from home.” For other Program Directors, they continue their home workout routines, read books in English, or practice yoga. I think the key is to identify what your “thing” will be before you come to your new country, and then make sure that you have the things you need to continue your hobby.

4. Research, Research, and More Research

This item is something I wish I had thought more about before coming to Ecuador. The more you know about the country you are going to, the easier it will be to adapt to that culture. Arriving in a new environment can be overwhelming; there are a lot of differences to process. For me, since I am only living in Ecuador for five months, I have found myself very stressed out about all the things I need to do and see before I come home. I think if I had done more research about Ecuador before I arrived, I could have hit the ground running when I got here, which would have relieved some of that stress. Another preparation I would suggest would be to practice your Spanish! No matter your speaking level, I think it never hurts to get some practice in before you immerse yourself in a different language! Whether it means playing basic games on Duolingo or practicing speaking on a language exchange app, Spanish practice will make everyday activities, like ordering coffee or trying to find a public bathroom, significantly easier!

5. Excitement!

I know that immersing yourself in a new culture can be a bit scary, but ultimately becoming a Program Director is the opportunity of a lifetime! I’m only three months into my experience and I have already learned so much. I know I will go back to the United States with memories and friendships I will cherish forever!

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An Intern "Thank You" to the People of Ecuador

During my time in Ecuador, I have visited amazing places, viewed breathtaking sights, tried many delicious foods, and made so many wonderful memories. But what I will remember the most about my time here is not the walks around Historical Quito, not drinking homemade juice with every meal, but the immensely warm and friendly people I have met here. During orientation, Carolyn warned us that the Serrano people have a reputation for being shy and quiet. A backpacker I met while hiking Quilotoa went as far as to say Ecuadorians were rude. My experience could not be further from this. There are countless people who have shaped my experience, but I want to thank the following people especially for their kindness and influence.


Thank you to Alexandra, a key Manna Project member and the first Ecuadorian I had a full conversation in Spanish with. I appreciate you taking the time to listen and attempt to understand by broken and mangled Spanish, and giving me the confidence to practice speaking despite my many, many, mistakes. From basic niceties to not quite G rated slang, you provided me with a unique glimpse into the Spanish language I most definitely would not have received in a classroom. Your patience and encouragement meant so much to me in my first days in Ecuador.

Thank you to Sra. Erika Carrera, the teacher I helped at the local university, for your incredible generosity and energy. I did not expect to an hour long going away party complete with live entertainment, food, and a magician after volunteering for only 3 weeks, but if I have learned one thing about this country, it is that it never ceases to surprise you. Each time I walked into your classroom, I knew the next two hours would be full of laughter and learning, for both your students and myself. I answered their questions and they answered mine. Your classroom provided an atmosphere of mutual cooperation and respect that allowed curiosity to become authentic learning. I smiled every moment of your class, and can not imagine my experience without ESPE.

Thank you to Felipe, one of the most exuberant and affectionate people I have met, and my favorite student from Antorcha de Vida. Your constant joy brightens everyone's day, and was much needed on our occasional two mile shadeless strolls on hot days. I have never seen a bigger, more radiant, more heartwarming smile on a person’s face so often. Thank you for reminding me to always keep a positive attitude, no matter what the circumstances are.


Finally thank you to everyone in Manna for making this experience so warm and friendly and great. When I boarded my flight to Quito, I was very worried about living in a foreign country where I did not know a single person for an entire month. The Program Directors and my fellow interns formed such a happy and supportive community within so little time, and this was a huge comfort when faced with the obstacles of working in a non profit organization in a Spanish speaking community. I could never imagine that living in a house with 12 other people could be tolerable, not to mention enjoyable. I will remember and cherish the strong sense of community fostered by our group for a very long time.

Megan was a first session 4 week intern with Manna Project. Our summer internship positions offer both 4 and 8 week positions, while our long-term volunteer positions are for 13, 5, 7, or 12 months. Apply to volunteer with MPI Ecuador to change your life! 

An Intern Experience in Ecuador

I left Chicago O’Hare to travel to Ecuador feeling extremely excited, but also with the knowledge that I would be taking each and every part of my trip as it came. A month before the trip, I had no inclination that I would be flying down to South America; I was initially accepted into the Manna Project International summer intern program in Nicaragua, but a series of violent protests sparked by pension law changes tossed a wrench into my plans. Manna operates two sites, one in Nicaragua and one in Ecuador; when it was announced that the Nicaragua site would be canceled for the first session, I worked with the Manna staff and my parents to shift my plans for Ecuador.


I wanted to work with Manna in any capacity because it offered several facets that aligned with my academic and personal passions. Most importantly, I am very interested in international community development, having studied it in courses at Vanderbilt such as Latin American Economic Development. Manna operates an effective approach to international community development by partnering with local organizations to provide a holistic development approach to community members. International development can be a difficult task laden with problematic approaches that resemble voluntourism, or the white-savior complex; Manna’s programs start by listening and getting to know the communities they serve, then aligning resources to meet the demonstrated needs. Manna offers the chance to have my feet on the ground, engaging and serving communities in Ecuador, while at the same time learning about a successful international development model.

Since arriving in Ecuador and experiencing the first week of service, I have already had done things very differently than my normal modus operandi back home. One big difference for me: riding the bus. Ecuador has a well-utilized bus system, and I am still nailing down the names of the different buses (Cia Azblan, Libertadores, Los Chillos, Amaguaña, etc.) and the different routes (Conocoto, Rumiloma, La Salle, El Triángulo). I learned that on each bus, rather than having an automated system like buses I am accustomed to in the U.S. there is an “ayudante”, a man or woman who comes up to each passenger and asks for the bus fare. The fare is typically anywhere from 25-35 cents, so I now carry much more change in coins than I ever have. An interesting facet of Ecuadorian bus culture that I have begun to practice myself: although Ecuadorians tend to be very welcoming people, they remove to move from aisle seats to window seats on buses. Any on-boarding bus passenger who spots an open seat is forced to squeeze past the aisle seat passenger, whereas in the U.S. typically the person would just move over. After having squeezed uncomfortably passed a number of people, I myself have started occupying the aisle seat and insisting that people budge past me.

Another hallmark experience from my first week was a community “almuerzo” [lunch] that I was invited to alongside our program directors. One of the women in the level 2 English class beckoned us to come to her family’s house for Ceviche, a traditionally prepared coastal Ecuadorian dish. When we got there, we had a long chat with her husband, who is a serviceman in the Ecuadorian military. Then, we sat down to Ceviche. It was a cold fish soup, prepared with shrimp, tomatoes, lemon juice, cilantro, and a few other ingredients. As is often custom, there were bowls of tostada, popcorn, and chifles [plantain chips], and we were instructed to add some of these other items to the soup. My first bowl was good; I enjoyed pairing the warm tostada with the cold, zesty shrimp soup, and I ate the whole bowl. However, the texture was very different, and honestly I still don’t know how I feel about cold soup. She refilled my bowl and I struggled through the second helping, finishing it not out of a strong taste for the Ceviche, but to satisfy our gracious host.  

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Looking forward to the rest of the program, I hope to focus on 3 objectives: utilizing my Spanish, making a strong sustainable impact on the community and its programs, and forging strong relationships with the rest of my cohort. I have been listening to Spanish music and starting conversations with anyone who will talk with me, and I plan to prepare extensively for the English classes and other initiatives I am involved in so that I can contribute positively to Manna’s work. Finally, through bus rides and community dinners, I have already had a chance to form bonds with the other interns, and as we serve, learn, and experience Ecuador together, I know those bonds will only deepen and grow.

Giving Thanks in Ecuador

Ah, Thanksgiving. A time to sit back and reflect on all of the things and people from the past year that you are thankful for (right before consuming for 3 days straight). For many of the Program Directors, me included, this Thanksgiving in Ecuador was their first one away from home. While I feel like I’ve adapted pretty well to life away from the comforts of people that I’ve known my whole life, I have to admit, the days leading up to Thanksgiving were a bit challenging. For me, Thanksgiving has always been synonymous with my family. Being away while knowing that all of my family and friends were together started weighing on me as the date started to arrive. Between this dilemma and the fact that the seasons don’t change in Ecuador like they do in my hometown, I had to continuously remind myself that Thanksgiving was even coming!

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When Thursday did arrive, many of the Program Directors had worked for a large part of the day. When we all found our way back to the Manna house by about 8:30 PM, we were lucky enough to have a small feast ready, provided by one of our coworkers who decided to take the day off to prepare a supper for our Mannamily. In the company of a few of our friends, we had a lovely dinner full of laughs and stories and, of course, incredible food. In the middle of dinner, I found myself taking a mental step back and thinking about how grateful I am to be doing what I love to do through Manna Project International and to be doing it with a team of absolute superstars! By the end of the night, it absolutely felt like Thanksgiving.

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BUT, it wasn’t enough. From the beginning of our time in Ecuador, this community has been welcoming us and teaching us and learning with us. Our host families that we stayed with for the first week fed us and dealt with our lack of bus schedule/route knowledge. Students from our classes took an interest in our lives just as we did in theirs and got to know us, despite our (sometimes) limited Spanish skills. Over time, we’ve developed friendships that we wanted to celebrate. Therefore, we had no choice but to throw a Thanksgiving 2017 2.0. On Saturday, we had a house full of more food than we knew what to do with and over 35 people all celebrating the relationships that we’ve made with each other. There was good music, friendship, games, and fun. Ecuadorians asked about traditional American dishes we had prepared for the meal and many brought dishes representative of their country. As kids played hide and go seek outside Program Directors were able to share with community members for one of the last times before many of us return to the U.S. I couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful way to celebrate Thanksgiving!


To spend holidays sharing traditions with Ecuadorian families, apply to be a Program Director today! 


Quick Trip to Quilotoa


Recently, the volunteers of Manna Project Ecuador, including myself, took a day trip to a giant dormant volcano called Quilotoa. Quilotoa had been on our list of places to visit since we arrived in Ecuador, and we were very excited to finally see it. Quilotoa was created by a massive eruption about 800 years ago and is now a crater filled with water about two miles in diameter. We left the volunteer house at 6 am to get to Quilotoa as early as possible. The bus ended up taking 5 hours- longer than any of us had expected- but It was well worth the trip. Since traveling in the Andes provides incredible mountainous landscapes, the bus seemed to go faster than it was and the views were really amazing. Finally, we arrived to the crater lake!


 Upon seeing the massive lagoon inside the ancient volcano, we were all dumbstruck. It was like nothing any of us had ever seen before. After we regained our composure, we began the trek down into the volcano to the shore of the lagoon. The hike down took us about an hour, and dogs that seemed to live in Quilotoa followed us the whole way down. Once we reached the bottom, we explored the shore line and took many photographs of the amazing landscape around us. To climb back out of Quilotoa, we quickly realized that the almost 1,000 ft climb up would be much harder than the descent. Because of the hike, a few of us decided to ride on mules to the top, which turned out to be quite the hilarious experience! We then had lunch and headed back to Valle De Los Chillos- our home. We arrived at the volunteer house around 9 pm that night, utterly exhausted, but feeling as if we could not have spent the day in any better way!


To travel to incredible places like Quilotoa, apply to be a Program Director with the Ecuador site today!