Coming Back For More!

            Weeks ago we hosted four different groups of spring break volunteers.   One of the most rewarding aspects of working here in Ecuador for MPI is to see how this experience can affect the individuals on the trip, even after their service work is completed.  Luckily for us, we have more volunteers coming in the summer months. 
Morgan Lowery was the trip leader for UGA’s spring service trip and decided that one week with MPI Ecuador was not sufficient.  That is why we will be seeing her again come May as a Summer Intern.  Please read her blog below to see how the experience here with MPI has brought her back for more!

After our frigid plunge from the waterfall at Molinuco.
The UGA group with brand new signs!
 Making plans for breaks from school may seem like a fairly simple task, but it can be somewhat difficult with the many choices now available to students.  When spring break comes around you’re expected to go to the beach and soak up the UV rays and possibly engage in some questionable behavior.  Up next is the all important summer break.  Summer plans are perhaps my least favorite to make.  There is the constant pressure from your parents and advisor to do something that relates to your major and what you’ll be doing the rest of your life or to get ahead by getting those lower level classes out of the way.  So you could listen to what everyone tells you and do the “right” thing or you could do something way more rewarding like I did over spring break and will be doing this summer.
            What did I do for my breaks you may ask?  Well, thankfully, making plans for spring break were much easier than they have been in the past.  Having been on a spring break trip to MPI Guatemala the previous year, I applied to be a trip leader for the Ecuador spring break trip, and, much to my excitement, I got it!  So I spent my spring break in Ecuador along with seven other girls from UGA helping the MPI with the advertising they do for the community center.  With the money we raised we were able to buy and a brand new, professionally made sign to go outside of the community center and refurbish other signs advertising the programs offered by the center.  While we weren’t working on our group project we were helping with the programs like English classes, art classes, and hanging out in the teen center. 
            One experience I had that I found interesting was the adult English class I sat in on. To me, a three-hour class is enough to make me have second thoughts, not to mention it was on Saturday morning.  However, I’ve never seen a more eager to learn group of people.  The adults that attend English classes come on their own accord and take time out of their day to study all in addition to their jobs and taking care of their families.  This was truly inspiring to me because it’s a serious struggle for me to make it to my classes while being a student is the only job I have.  The people that attend the class don’t come because someone else requires them to, but because they see it as a chance to make a better life for themselves and their families.  It’s hard for me to picture myself tacking on another 5 or so hour commitment to my already hectic schedule that might slightly increase my chances of getting into graduate school.  It was cool to see that MPI doesn’t force the help they offer onto the community they serve.  The people of the community want to change their lives as well and they are willing to work for it.  I could really see the idea of sustainable change at work.  This is just one of the many reasons I love MPI and the people it serves. 
            This experience along with many others is why I decided to return to Ecuador for a four-week summer internship with MPI.  I don’t know what exactly I will be doing yet, but I know whatever it is it will be something truly worthwhile and life changing for both the people of the community and me.  In addition to the work I’ll be doing, I can’t wait to experience more of the Ecuadorian culture and spending more time with the MPI team.  I can confidently say that this summer will be one to remember, but hopefully I won’t be slowed down by food poisoning this time.  It’ll be okay if I do though, because, as we proved over spring break, no one knows how to rally better than a UGA student.

So on that note I’ll say goodbye and go dawgs!  Hopefully you all will be hearing from me again sometime soon!


If you or someone you know is interested in spending a week, a month, or a whole year working with MPI Ecuador, please visit the home website for more information about getting involved, applying for the Program Director position, and much more!

As always, thank you for checking in!
All the best,

PD Interview: Joey

With the departure of the vol groups, we are all back on our regular schedules and now can continue with our PD interviews. This week the one and only Joey Teevens is up:

Full Name: Joseph Shaun Teevens
Home Town:
Westborough, MA
College and Major: Year 1: University of New Hampshire, Year 2: Springfield College, Year 3: Worcester State College, Year 4: Center of Modern Languages in Granada, Spain, Year 5: Worcester State College

> 1. What programs do you run?
Children’s Basic English, Adult’s Advanced English, Library, Children’s Art, and English classes at Técnico del Valle (a local technical school).

> 2. If you had to pick one, which is your favorite and why?
Probably Adult’s English.  It’s nothing against the kids, but all of my adult students are in class of their own accord.  They are very motivated, inquisitive, and we often fall into some interesting class conversations about such things as religion, politics, education, and about which Ecuadorian beer is better: Pilsener or Club.

> 3. How did you hear about Manna and what made you want to join?
I heard about MPI through Worcester State University.  As part of WSU’s alternative Spring Break program I was a one-week volunteer for MPI Nicaragua.  My experience there was extremely enjoyable and I decided to apply to be a 13-month PD upon returning to the States.  The things about MPI that I drew me in the most were the extended cultural and linguistic experiences, the potential to form life-long friendships, and the personal autonomy of the Program Directors, who are free to reshape already established programs to fit their own styles/personalities and even to create new programs given the opportunity and resources.

> 4. Is there something from your experience so far that has caught you off guard?
A couple of things that rub me the wrong way are when people stare (unashamedly and for uncomfortable periods of time) at any of us gringos like we’ve got two heads, and the oftentimes sickening chauvinism of machismo, i.e. when men (most of whom use extremely questionable amounts of gel in their hair) catcall at women, whistle/hiss at them, and make snide remarks, all while feeling entitled to act so disgustingly.

> 5. Who's your favorite child in the Library….they'll never know?
There isn’t one kid that immediately jumps into my head as a clear favorite.  Gaining the trust of a bunch of different kids and becoming friends with them has been really rewarding.  There are certainly some kids who I will miss more than others when it comes time to leave, but as I said, I don’t have one specific favorite.

> 6. What is your favorite meal to cook?
As is known quite well throughout the house, I’m not exactly Top Chef… but I do my best.  So while my cooking skills leave much to be desired, I guess my favorite meal to cook is my favorite one to eat: chicken, mashed potatoes, boiled broccoli, green beans, and corn bread.

> 7. Who's your favorite band?
Currently it’s Johnny Flynn and the Sussex Wit.

> 8. What's cooler: The Choclo or the Monument de Ruminahui? Why?
I prefer the Choclo.  It’s much more colorful and inviting.  The unfortunate fact that the Monument of Rumiãhui has been fenced off from public use due to (from what I’ve been told by our neighbors) an excess of drug trafficking and violence in the past makes it much less of a draw… If they took down the fence and made the Monument a nice place to sit down, read a book, and relax, I might change my mind.

> 9. Where's your favorite spot to cuddle with Gandalf?
Gandalf and I do not hang out, let alone cuddle.  We simply co-exist.  Neither he nor I expect any kind of thawing in our relationship before August 7th when my contract ends. 

> 10. What do you think is the best thing you will take away from your experience with Manna?
Friendship!  It’s been a year full of good times, cool challenges, and fantastic people. 

> 11. What impact do you hope to leave on Manna?
I haven’t thought much about this one.  The hard part about spending 13 months living and working in a new place is that it’s long enough of a time to develop lasting bonds and memories, but it’s still quite a short period in the grand scheme of things.  Our contract ends, we are replaced by new PDs, and we ourselves become nothing more than a memory here in the Valley.  If I’ve managed to bring positive energy and laughter to MPI then I’m satisfied.

> 12. How will the death of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez affect Latin America? Will his pronounced successor Nicolas Maduro win or will Venezuelans choose a different way forward?
I assume that Maduro will win if only because he’s got Hugo’s political machine behind him, and Chavez himself told his supporters to back him… that should be enough for him to win the special election.  It’s been interesting to see the reaction to Chavez’s death here in Ecuador.  Most of the sentiment towards him (from what I’ve seen) is positive.  He’d done some really good things for his country (nearly eradicating illiteracy, upping social spending, decreasing the country’s overall poverty percentage, etc.) and he’d also done some not-so-good things, too (censoring the media, limiting opposition input, and while he has lowered the poverty rate, it still remains very high).  As a nationalistic, charismatic leader, I think spiritually he has provided a boost for Latin America.  As a strong-handed politician, I think he has only perpetuated a long tradition in the region of too-powerful administrations with dictatorial tendencies.

Duke Spring Break 2013

 Hello again from the Duke Manna Spring Break Group! The past two days have been eventful. Let’s catch you up.
            On Wednesday, some of the group went out to breakfast in Sangolqui. They had some scrambled eggs, fruit, blackberry juice, and coffee. Afterwards, all of the group reunited, and we went to un hipermercado y una paperleria (a supermarket and a paper goods store) with Janine to look for a bulletin board, a filing cabinet, and a scale. Some of us bought some Ecuadorian chocolates and sweets – the winner for purchases was Jim who purchased a GIANT green lollipop and a Star Wars mask. Afterwards, some of the group went out to get what the Program Directors call “Dirty Burgers” – basically double cheeseburgers and French fries. After lunch, we went out and advertised around Rumiloma, handing out fliers and talking to locals. Most of us were lucky enough to taste pan de chocolate or chocolate bread – it was delicious.  Afterwards, we hung out in the Manna Center and library and played with local children throughout the afternoon. Some of us played UNO, some played Frisbee outside, and some played board games and video games with the children. At 6 PM, the Program Directors began teaching English classes. Most of the group sat in on Janine’s super advanced English class for adults. I sat in on Joey’s intermediate English class for adults, where Joey and the students read through a passage about Roman Catholicism, a topic very familiar to the students (Ecuador is super Catholic). Joey would correct their pronunciation and translate the English sentences into Spanish so the students could grasp the meaning of the English words better. They would also engage in small discussions, where Joey would ask a question about the topic in English and ask the students to give their opinion in English. After the English class, we went into Quito and tasted some awesome Ecuadorian cuisine at La Clorinda. After a delicious meal, we went into Quito to a salsa club. A few of us worked up the courage to try salsaing on the dance floor – I for one tried, but how well I salsaed is up for debate. Others were content watching some of the natives pull off some fancy salsa moves. After an hour or so, we went over to a traditional club and danced until about midnight before we headed back and passed out.

            Today, we woke up around 9 AM and ate the fluffiest pancakes ever – compliments to chef Janine. Afterwards, we broke up into two groups and went to gather information from local organizations for our Preventative Health manual. My group, led by Jenni, spent about a half hour trying to find the organization Ninos con Destinos. However, once we found the foundation, the manager of the location and Jenni had a nice discussion, and our encounter turned out to be positive. Janine’s group went to a clinic, but there were no doctors available to get information from. However, the group toured the clinic and a school nearby, gaining exposure to healthcare and education. Afterwards, we split up – a group went to a local market to sample some delectable Ecuadorian fruits and food. Another group went with Country Director, Heather, to help Ecuadorian children with homework and play with them in an organization called Amigos Guias. Afterwards, Heather’s group advertised in Rumiloma for the charla. After reuniting at the Manna House, we went to work on planning our charla, hammering out the details. At 8 PM, we went out for dinner at a local restaurant, enjoying pescadopollo, carne, y pizza for dinner. Now we are resting up for tomorrow. We will head into Quito in the morning to spend time at the Basilica and do a group discussion.

            No puedo esperar. Hasta luego!  - I cannot wait. Until next time.

- Abhi and the Duke Manna Group


Tuesday March 12th, 2013

       The nine of us arrived in Ecuador around 10:00 PM on Sunday night. Manna Project Directors Janine and Pete were there to welcome us and take us back to the Manna House in Sangolqui. After arriving promptly at the Manna House, we ate some delicious pasta, salad, and homemade sauce that the Project Directors had made. Afterwards, we were situated in our respective spots in the three-building complex, the girls staying in the main house and the boys taking over the “Man-Cave.” Some of us stayed up to talk with the project directors, but most of us were tired and went to bed.
            On Monday morning, the nine of us rose at around 9 AM. We had breakfast, which consisted of delicious milk, yogurt, granola, and fruit. During breakfast, Janine and Jenni, our Preventative Health project directors, and Heather, our country director, laid down some housekeeping rules. Shortly after being oriented, the Project Directors, our group, and another Manna spring break group from the University of Georgia hopped on a bus to a hiking destination known as Molinuco. It was clear that most of us were still adjusting to the 8000 feet altitude. However, the trip’s highlights were petting horses, jumping down a waterfall (no big deal), and taking pictures of Ecuador’s beautiful natural landscape. Even though most of us were soaked by the end of the trail, we all had fun. After we came back, our group went with a couple of Project Directors to eat helados or ice cream. Many of us tried different flavors unique to Ecuador like babaco y taxa, but most of us could not resist mora (blackberry). When we came back, we had a dinner of bean and beef tortillas with cheese, peppers, and guacamole. Then, we settled down on the rooftop of the main house to enjoy a few rounds of Catchphrase. After fun conversation and competition that lasted fairly late into the night, we retired to our beds.

            On Thursday morning at 7:30 AM, three of us were fortunate enough to accompany Project Directors Jenni and Polly to a middle school where both teach a nutrition class to ten and eleven year olds. It was interesting to watch our Project Directors teach students in fluent Spanish and to watch the children learn about processed grains, natural grains, essential nutrients, and the various food groups. I personally had fun sitting next to the students in their tiny desks and practicing my Spanish with them. At the end of each class, it was fun to watch Polly and Jenni get bombarded by tons of abrazos (hugs) – we got our fair share too. While the three of us were at the school, the rest of the group back at the House woke up at nine and got to work on planning our charlas on Friday. One charla is going to be a lesson held at the Manna Center (located in a different area called Rumiloma), where we will teach adults and children about how they can prevent diseases through yoga and circuit exercises. Our group will have to lead the charla in Spanish, which will be an interesting challenge. After planning the charla, the group went to work on creating fliers and advertisements for the charlas. After reuniting and eating lunch and some delicious frozen yogurt, we went into the streets of Sangolqui to hand out fliers to people in the streets and to inform them about our upcoming charlas. Many of us had a great time interacting with the native Ecuadorians and practicing our Spanish. Afterwards, most of us spent the remainder of the day in the Manna House, spending time with the Project Directors and cooking dinner.

            In summary, so far, so good. We will post again on Thursday! Hasta luego! 

Vandy Spring Break 2013

Leah summing it all up for us:

It’s been a few days since I returned to the real world of classes and exams after an incredible week in Ecuador with Manna Project International. This trip really was the perfect way to spend my spring break. It was the perfect combination of service, sightseeing, cultural immersion, and group bonding. Ecuador is an absolutely beautiful country. Everywhere you look, there are endless mountain ranges and amazing landscapes. We were able to go into Quito and see the city from the top of the Basilica. Wandering through the markets and streets and traveling by bus each day was a great way to interact with people and get a broad picture of the culture. I definitely can’t complain about the food, either. We tried everything from empanadas to ice cream (multiple times), and I loved pretty much all of it. 
With regards to our service work, I really felt like we were able to make a significant, positive impact with the short time we had in Ecuador. Getting to see the complete transformation of the library as a result of our hours of painting and organization was awesome, especially when we could see how excited it made the kids. Interacting with these children was by far my favorite part of what we were doing, such as sitting in on an English class that a Program Director was teaching and throwing a big “fiesta” for the kids on our last day there. They were all so enthusiastic and eager to interact with us that it made our work very special. I can’t say enough about the things we did in Ecuador, the people we worked with (shoutout to our amazing Program Directors), and our extremely close group (I already miss our various nightly bonding activities). Manna really made my spring break unique and wonderful.

Delayed post from Monica

Other than the breathtakingly beautiful sceneries of the mountains, the people themselves had made me fall in love with Ecuador. From the moment we landed, the woman who was standing in line behind us was excited to share her enthusiasm about our trip to Sangolqui. She was born and raised in Ecuador and wanted us to experience her home country and was confident we would enjoy our trip. She was not the only person who was passionate about her country; when we were on the bus, the women I’ve met were always maternal and passionate about promoting their own small towns. One woman who lived near the Colombian border wanted me to see a cemetery and was adamant about my going there to see the sunset. It was strange, but nice. However, my favorite Ecuadorian was a teacher who taught ten year olds all different subjects. Although my Spanish is not up to par, she was patient and constantly motivated me to practice. She was very loving and was trying to tell me how to cook Locro de papa and we talked about her three daughters. When it was her stop, she gave me a warm pat, a kiss on the cheek and I just felt that it was like home.
Furthermore, when I visited the school for a nutrition class, I had a pleasant surprise when the children came up and hugged me, who was a complete stranger. They hung onto me as if I were a tree and was excited to play. When I visited the school for the second time to advertise the party, they were much more friendly and we joked around by playing tag. From the children to the adults, Ecuador definitely is a colorful city filled with amazing people that match the beautiful sights that surround us.


Hola amigos!!!

Greetings from Quito, Ecuador! It’s been a crazy couple of days for our group here at 0 degrees latitude. After arriving in Quito super super late on Saturday night (we arrived at the Manna house around midnight), on Sunday we had a blast seeing our home for the week. We went through the market in Sangolqui (the highlight being the live chickens in bags, cats in bins, and ducks in boxes…also the ice cream shop that has been there for 60 years did us some good too). 

After about a 30 minute bus ride into the city of Quito, we grabbed lunch and climbed the towers of the landmark basilica in “old town.” If you dared to walk the steps to the top, the view was, needless to say, breathtaking (which is pretty common here at 9000 feet above sea level). The next day (Monday, which is part of our weekend here), we spent seeing another side of Quito. We hit up the market and bought you all some fantastic Ecuadorian presents, and for ourselves, the ever popular alpaca sweater. We then made our way to a beautiful park for our lunch picnic and various interactions with confused Ecuadorians regarding that brown pigskin thing we were throwing around. 

Yesterday, we began our work project, repainting the library, at the community center. So far so good in this arena—awesome forest green and sky blue walls, flag paintings, and sunset murals now enhance the library experience for children and adults alike. We’ve also had a great time getting to know one another through overcrowded busses, entertaining rounds of catchphrase, and intense questioning while in “the hot seat.” The weather has been no less than perfect, and we could not have dreamed for this trip to begin any better than it has! And don’t worry, we’ll write again soon!

Hasta luego!!

Vanderbilt Mannanites

Highlights From Week 1

One of the best parts of having Spring Breakers come down is that we get caught up on what's been going on in the US while we have been in Ecuador. Word of the "Harlem Shake" phenomenon reached us first from Polly's parents, but we got to hear more about it last week... and to join in on the fun ourselves!

Please enjoy this video, created with love by Polly Colgan and starring the Ecuador PDs and Vandy Spring Break groups!

And enjoy these pictures from the Vandy group's library party on Friday. See more pictures and read about their experience here!