ins and outs

This week has been filled with 16 person meetings, 1 on 1 programmatic planning sessions, and preparing for tonight's Despedida/Bienvenida in the library. We moved the newbies in a week earlier than usual, cutting their time in Quito to ensure a smooth 2 week transition. We are forced to say goodbye to another two PDs this week, Chet and Mike. But we're also given the opportunity to get to know these new enthusiastic and innovative minds and rest assured knowing that our programs will grow and prosper as we return to the states.

And now, a little introduction to who Chet refers to as the 'new hires.' (this pleasantly disregards the fact that we are not in fact paid employees.)

Ashley, Hannah, Zoe, Noel and Becky enjoy Chet's Birthday Chivas Tour

Luke, Sam, Brock, and Jack check out Guayasamin's digs in Quito

We've already turned them into LIGA fans...

... and they've already been published in a local paper!


all good things must end

In the past two days we've had to say our first two goodbyes and it certainly hasn't been easy. I'm grateful to have a signed copy of Sarah's cross country poster and a picture of Sonia in my locket to keep me warm at night. We ended our time all together true to form, eating and laughing at each other. Award commissioner Mike hosted this year's (first annual?) democratic PD superlatives, giving out titles like Most Improved Spanish (Chet), Best Glasses (Bibi/Waldo), and Most Entertaining (Haley).

As we close out our time, we still have a few tricks up our sleeves - in the form of guest blogs and an interview of yours truly. So stay posted and don't say goodbye just yet! Without further ado, here is a touching guest blog from KP about her Adult English class:

"As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. For Adult English, the end sadly came last week. Haley, me and our students ended the course with a blow-out party complete with cake, freshly made hot chocolate with fig tree leaves, candy, cookies, cheese, and without fail, uncooked hot dogs. Yummm! All in all it was a delicious, sugar-high party filled with story telling and bonding.

Each student received an Intermediate English completion certificate and a hug from Haley and me as a special congratulations. Words cannot express how much I loved teaching this class. Not only were they my students, but they became my friends. As I look back on this past year in Ecuador, I can truly say that the personal relationships I have made with my students and the community members in general are what I will always cherish long after I leave. Thinking about leaving this country is extremely hard but I will leave knowing that I aided our students in their pursuit to learning English and that they have impacted my life in ways I will be discovering the rest of my life.

And now, it is my pleasure to present the newest graduates of Intermediate Adult English!

Ruth with Krysta and Haley, showing off her brand new diploma!

Gaston, Fabiola and Jenny making some delicious party food

Adult English A, in all of their glory!
- Krysta"

Sarah's Interview... and Goodbye

Here it is, PD Interview #8. Eight down, one more to go. Hooray!

And here I am, on my last day in Ecuador. This year has been quite the journey, and although I'm excited to go back to the States, I'm not excited to leave. In the next four days I will be in 3 different worlds - Ecuador, home, and school - and hopefully during that time I'll be able to better process all that this year has meant to me. I'll keep you posted... perhaps with a Guest Blog in the next couple of weeks.

Thank you for reading this blog throughout the last year. Thank you for your comments and e-mails. But most of all, thanks for supporting us.

And here's the interview...

Hasta lluego,

PS. Don't mind the permanent squinting... we did my interview on the roof and it was super sunny. :)

Questions for Jackie!

Time for more interview questions... this time for Jackie, our LAST PD interview of the year.

Question ideas for Jackie could include what it's like to run agriculture/environment programs in Ecuador, her passion for alternate forms of energy, what it's like to be a part of the exclusive apartment-living club, how fun it is to be in charge of composting 9 peoples' worth of food, and more!

Please submit questions via the comments section of this blog post or by e-mailing me ( before TUESDAY (July 20th) MORNING!

Cheers to our last encounter with iMovie!

Jackie modeling atop the glacier of Cotopaxi