Guess who's here?!

We’ve been back for almost two weeks and things are more or less back to ‘normal’ (if your definition of normal is wrestling 6 pairs of hands to get watermelon out of an overflowing Tupperware container while waiting for dinner to be served and singing along to a 14-year-old US pop sensation).

There has been some fresh excitement in the Manna house and beyond since returning. Our proactive advertising strategy resulted in a serious influx of kids to the library – we’ve been averaging 18 kids per day, which I’d like to think had something to do with the interactive library tour Krysta and I gave this past Saturday. While we’re very excited about all of the new faces, especially in light of classes starting this week, 2/3 PDs in charge of that many kids can get overwhelming. Therefore we’ve adopted a new approach: take all of the kids out to the playground for 30 minutes after classed end at 5. We get some tranquility in the library and the kids get their energy out – kudos to Mike for instigating such a brilliant tactic!

We also have a very special guest in our house for the next 7 days! Dana Zichlin, Manna’s newest addition and one of my dearest jersey-raised friends, is training here with team Ecuador before she departs for her feasibility study in Guatemala next Wednesday. We’ll be showing her the ropes which includes sitting in on our elusive Monday morning meeting, going out for a monthly Manna meal in Quito, shadowing classes, sitting in on programmatic and organizational meetings, playing with kids in the library, and a bonfire-side tell all where she gets to ask us anything and everything she wants (gasp). We’re so excited to have her here!!

For more information about Dana’s project in Guatemala, please check out her blog!


Celebrate Good Times!

Hello hello blog reading world! Long time, no see... er, write. Thankfully my blog partner-in-crime, Jackie, has been a champ and on top of the blog since we got back! (Thanks, Jack.) :) Things have been busy (to say the least) around here since the final three members of the team arrived home in Ecuador a week and a half ago. Last week we scrambled to figure out the schedule, work out the details, and advertise (and I mean AD-VER-TISE. Lots of it.) for our Celebracion Comunitaria which was held on the soccer field across from the library last Saturday. Ideally we would like to make this an annual event, and I think we would all agree that this was a great start to attaining that goal. Here's a slew of photos from the event...

Wendi helps Jackiepants (who is sporting our SWEET new shirt!) set up the MPI info table

Wendy, ever the little helper, blows up balloons (even though she can't tie them herself...)

Haley shows off one of her many talents: blowing up balloons at roughly 8,500 ft. altitude (she got skillz)

Several local organizations were asked to participate in the event. Here, Christian and Laura sell produce from their organic garden.

Selena and Priscilla show off their face paint

Bibi, Wendy and I had out the first raffle prize, a frying pan! All of the raffle proceeds went to the Ecuadorian Red Cross to support Haiti.

Erik essentially single-handedly beat all of the kids at Tug-o-War...

Several community members enjoyed the half hour sampling of a Women's Exercise class

Chet shows off the beautiful rainbow that we conveniently planned to coincide with our Community Celebration...

And, as usual, the Ecuadorian sunset failed to disappoint.

All in all, it was a fun, busy and successful weekend! And a perfect way to start the new year!

Happy (late) New Year!

PD(s) on the Radio

We spent the better part of this week promoting and preparing for tomorrow's celebracion comunitaria. Some of these activities include collecting borrowed chairs and tents, picking up 80 brand new manna shirts, coordinating local restaurants to cook and sell food, buying raffle prizes, preparing composting workshops, and so on. Promotion involved jumping on buses heading into the valley, walking around surrounding communities with flyers and loud speaker in hand shouting 'celebracion comunitaria en la cancha cordovez mañana a las tres en la tarde!'

Additionally, today Krysta and I made a special trip to Super K, a radio station in Sangolqui that broadcasts all over the valley, to advertise during a 30-minute interview segment. Krysta had been there twice before, once with Seth's teen camp in July and again to promote our free health clinic from August, but it was my first time and I was terrified. Not only am I not big on public speaking, I tend to panic when I can't take my time to think about my Spanish and conjugate tenses before I blurt things out.

Oh the fear of live broadcasts!

Oswaldo, the incredibly friendly director of Super K asked me a few questions in the beginning that went well and then Krysta took over, fluidly discussing everything from our current programs to tomorrow's celebration. Thinking I was off the hook, I got a little distracted by one of Oswaldo's co-workers who was snapping pictures at us. Before I knew it, Oswaldo was directing a question at me that I only half heard and interpreted to be 'what other games will you be running tomorrow?' to which I enthusiastically answered 'sillas musicales!' (musical chairs - my specialty). In reality, he was asking me about our Rumiñahui soccer team and what position I played.. oops.

Later this afternoon, while advertising with Sonia and Bibi, a community member commented that she heard us on the radio and will be coming to the event tomorrow. Despite her little chuckle as I walked away, I think a little humiliation is a small price to pay for a well-attended event...

Stay tuned for a post-celebration update!


Feliz Año Nuevo!

Happy new year from everyone here at MPI Ecuador!

Our first morning in the house and subsequent afternoon in the library was a conglomeration of familiar faces, fresh ideas, and new technology. We started our day with a 3-hour long
Monday morning meeting (formally referred to as the MMM), enjoying each other's company after almost a month apart while discussing topics from class schedules (which start up on the 18th) our next retreat, and most importantly, our celebracion event to ring in the new year this coming Saturday! MPIE, in collaboration with local organizations, Coopertiva Esperanza y Progresso del Valle, Añamisi (an environmental education org.), and the Ministry of Health of Conocoto, will be hosting a celebration in the cancha across from our library. The afternoon will be filled with live music, carnival games (including face paint and bingo), mini soccer tournaments, food from local restaurants, and a wealth of information about sustainable agriculture, nutrition and health.

In order to spread the word more efficiently, fellow PD Mike Gabrys went on a scavenger hunt to find us a portable perefoneo (translation: loud speaker). After traveling to many stores in Quito and the valley, we finally got our hands on it. To no one's surprise, Bibi was the most excited person to use our new toy (Erik being a close second).. as soon as she arrived at the library she ran to the roof to test it out, resulting in a booming "LA BIBLIOTECA ESTA ABIERTOOOO" shaking the bookshelves and amusing the kids in the reading ring.

Needless to say, it's very good to be back.

Chet reads leisurely in his new UT snuggie (thanks, Santa!) before the MMM

Bibi having a little too much fun on the roof

We came home to a bloomed tomate de arbol in our garden...

...and more living things in the compost bin! hello potatoes!


Updates from the States

Amid snowstorms, santa clause, and satellite TV, I'm missing Ecuador (especially the climate) and reporting adventures to you! Wishfully thinking that maybe you miss us too, here are some exciting updates from break so far:

During our first weekend of break one of my very close friends Dana Zichlin hosted a party in Manhattan to raise funds for her feasibility trip to Guatemala. As you may know, MPI is working on a third site expansion and accepted proposals through November. After months of preparation, Dana will be heading to train with us in Ecuador in late January, followed by a seven week feasibility trip in Guatemala. We are so excited to spend time with Dana in Ecuador and show her the Manna ropes!

Helping a stuck sedan en route to the fundraiser

Dana and Chris Taylor cheers-ing to Manna

Love you Dana!

We also have exciting news to share about our kitchen project! The Peterson family graced us with a visit right before winter break. In addition to giving us tips on how to improve our grill and helping put together our shelves, they also graciously donated kitchen supplies for our cooking class.

Cosas de Petersons:
2 slip-resistant cutting mats, 3 oven mitts/potholders, 4 kitchen towels, 1 dishcloth, 6 dish scrubbers, 3 rubber spatulas, 8-piece utensil set, 4 wooden spoon set, grater, 2 peelers, can opener, measuring cups and spoons, 4 paring knives

A huge thank you to the Peterson family!! For more information about this project and our full wish list click here.

Enjoy the last day of the decade and have a fantastic and safe New Years!
- Jackie