Questions for Serena!

Please don't forget to send me any and all questions you may have for Serena Zhou, the interview-ee for the week! Leave them as comments or email them to me at

Suggested question topics include:
~anything about food
~her theories about vampires
~a synopsis of the movie The Godfather
~appropriate substitutes in the kitchen
~pronunciation of almost any spice in the kitchen, particularly Oregano
~how she spent the Chinese new year in Ecuador
~how she got to be the best price haggler of all of us
~why she'd be great at Jeopardy

Laying Down the Law

At the library, Marco is in charge.

The kiddos have come to realize that even though they can get away with most anything in children's art by shooting me their precious little "I'm innocent as a baby sea turtle" look, the same does not apply with Profe Marco. The combination of height (I think he may be the tallest person tiny Jori has ever seen in real life), Spanish fluency (ie. ability to effectively get his point across), and no-nonsense attitude towards running in the library or leaving books strewn around the kid's corner make him the perfect guy to sit behind the front desk. That and the fact that no matter the finished product, if a little library patron draws him something he will post it on the wall behind his desk. They love him :)

Interview a PD: Dunc Fulton

Dunc definitely wins the award for most family members submitting questions: three aunts, an uncle, his grandma and his mom all submitted stellar questions this time around. Thank you, extended families!

Yes, I do realize that the video is a *bit crooked, ie. it looks like Dunc might slide off the couch at any moment. This is because, since there really was no other option but to film him on the couch in the kitchen, we had to construct something on the sink to hold the video camera at the right height. And apparently our dishtowel-bowl-cutting board contraption was, sadly, kind of crooked. Oops...

Without further ado, Dunc Fulton!


After a long anticipated arrival, our new Manna camera finally arrived last week!! (Along with a box of 36 Reese's peanut butter packs, thanks Chris!) I've forbidden myself from naming it/her (oh no...) so that I won't get too attached, since I do know that it's not mine for keeping. All that to say, the daily photographs will live on again!

Today's are actually from yesterday's art class where the students perfected different Jackson Pollock painting techniques up on the roof. Spoon dripping, brush thwacking, paint splattering...all in a day's work :)