Beach Escapes

Most of us (Mark and Seth had other plans) spent our extended Easter holiday out on the coast between the two beach towns on Montanita and Puerto Lopez. Between fresh ceviche (citrus, seafood, tomatoes and onions), beach bonfires, barefooted wanderings, hostel hammocks, lazy days in the ocean, and a permanent sheen of sweat and sand, to say the trip was amazing would be understating it.

I would appreciate it, however, if it wasn't RAINING in Conocoto. Oh what a Monday it's turning out to be. I'm about to head in to the community to lend my skills at Children's and Adult English...seeing as how none of us have slept since Saturday night (that's what 12 hour overnight busses will do to you), today's lessons should be interesting :) At least we're not attempting a lesson in Ecuadorian math, or I'd really be in trouble...


Interview a PD: Jocelyn Lancaster

It's here: the Jocelyn Lancaster interview! Exciting, I know. I'm pretty stoked.

Thank you for your creative questions, those of you who submitted them. If you've yet to submit a question, there's no better time than now! Especially since Eliah is my next interview victim.

Disclaimer: if you're confused by a certain question involving vampires, you're not alone. The girls (except Dana) have all succumbed to a slightly unhealthy obsession with the vampiric world of Twilight. Apologies (not really) that it made it's way into the interview.

Now, we're off to the beach! Horray!

Happy weekend,

Afternoon Update

Eliah just came back from a trip into Quito, and while he was making the best looking plate of nachos Dana and I have ever seen (homemade tortilla chips!), he told us about the store he just came from. Apparently Craig took him there once to get his computer fixed, but before you write this off as a "oh Holly's bored and writing about computer stores" type of entry, let me tell you a little more about this computer store.

Not only does he fix computers, but the owner also makes homemade tortillas and chips (hence the incredible nachos), and sells wedding cake toppers, all while listening to 30's techno jazz and prancing around his shop like he's at a rave.

Computers, tortillas, cake toppers and techno.

All I have to say is, whenever the next computer crashes, someone PLEASE come find me because I will SO help you fix it. And by help you I mean I'll eat chips and pick out some stellar cake toppers for the next birthday.


Library Opening Movie

As you may already know, we made a little movie about the grand opening of our library space. At the risk of being redundant (and in an effort to spread it around as much as possible!) we've attached it below. Just in case, you know, you didn't get the Manna mail, or Ecuador monthly update, or an email from your very own PD telling you how excited they were about it :)

~Team Ecuador

Saturday Night Sunset

As enjoyed by us girls. Who haven't quite mastered the art of MacBook photo booth pictures :)

For all of you blog readers, I have an early request. As mentioned at the end of the Mark Hand interview, this week I will be interviewing Jocelyn Lancaster (second from the right); exciting! However, this Friday Ecuador has a holiday (for Semana Santa) for which we will all be traveling; thus i'm pushing up the deadline for questions a day earlier.

If you have a question you'd like Jocelyn to answer, please post it as a comment or email it to me by Tuesday, April 7 at midnight!
