8:30 AM
Wake up for your new day in Ecuador as an MPI Summer Intern. From the bunkroom, you can see the mountains that surround the valley where we live and work - a beautiful way to start any day! Head downstairs for breakfast and coffee.

9:30 AM
Leave for partner organization Antorcha de la Vida to help with their water therapy program for disabled young adults. Not only will it be fun to take a refreshing dip in the pool, but it’s rewarding and interesting to see how an Ecuadorian nonprofit functions.
11:00 AM
Arrive in the downtown center of Sangolqui to get ice cream with a Program Director. The best place in town is in the historic center, and soon you'll know the owner well!
12:15 PM
Eat lunch at the Colombian Almuerzo restaurant with some of our community members. Get ready for rice and seafood or chicken - they have the best lunches in town!

1:30 PM
Head over to Chaupitena, one of our local partner schools, to lead an English Club with eighth, ninth and tenth grade students. They've loved learning English phrases and pronunciation with Program Directors all year, so get ready to be impressed!

2:00 PM
It’s time open the community center for the afternoon. You'll find a group of kids waiting by the front door for you to arrive!

3:30 PM
Plan and execute a fun exercise activity with the kids. Take them out on the field to enjoy the incredible Ecuadorian sunshine and run around!

Play the fan favorite UNO with kids in the community center keeping them entertained while teaching them new ideas and activities at the same time.
5:30 PM
Spend time in the Computer Lab helping kids review homework for their upcoming exams.

7:30 PM
Ready for dinner? Summer Interns and Program Directors eat together every night, family style. It's a great way to debrief after the day, share stories, and get to know each other better.

8:30 PM
Time to relax! The MPI house has a projector, so you can watch a movie together with your fellow interns and Program Directors, read, or journal to reflect on your experience abroad. Tomorrow will be another incredible day in Ecuador as an MPI Summer Intern!

Next Weekend
Get ready for a weekend adventure with your fellow Summer Interns - Ecuador never fails to amaze!